Little Red Riding Rutherford Spanked
In a testament to why women should get spanked Feminists in the UK are quite upset because when they tweet something evil men respond with mean and nasty things that offend them and they have thus...
View ArticleDog Days of Spanking
Since I was rather misogynistic yesterday concerning the thought police that our feminists want all to be subjected too. Let us move onto the fact that due to conservative crazies. They just might...
View ArticleTechnical Problems
I do apologize Dear Reader, Unfortunately I am experiencing technical problems hence not bringing you the Spanking Updates of the week that you both deserve and crave. Please bare with me while I...
View ArticleWalter White Spanking
After foolishly ignoring it for 5 years this summer, bored with what drivel was on the idiot box I started to watch Breaking Bad on Netflix. Aside hooking me worse than a pretty girls bare bottom. I...
View ArticleTechnical Difficulty Spanking
I must apologize Dear Reader for we have had some technical problems at The Spanking Spot. You see it was a perfect storm of stupidity last week when I was happily bringing you the spanking of naughty...
View ArticleMilitary Spanking
You know Dear Reader that one really must question our legal system when a person like Bradley Manning gets 35 years in a PMITA Prison for releasing “classified” information of people doing illegal...
View ArticlePlayboy Bunny Niki Lee Young Gets Her First Spanking
You would think Dear Reader that even people dimmer than ourselves would eventually realize the Middle East will be the death of us all. Probably sooner than later. Since we have learned so much...
View ArticleFrench Porn Starlet Sharon Lee gets Spanked American Style
This weekend of course we are celebrating Labor Day. Not only does it mark the unofficial end of summer here in the states but it is a celebration of the strife our forefathers endured fighting for...
View ArticleRoommate Spanking
From the invention of the automobile there has been the assumption that infuriates feminists that women simply cannot drive. Now I hate to make misogynistic generalizations but if the shoe fits...
View ArticleFirst Spanking For Teen Dakota Skye
So Dear Reader other than it being the anniversary of 9/11, once again reminding us why the TSA needs to molest us when we get on aircraft or the reason why the NSA needs to watch us watch porn. A new...
View ArticleGrand Theft Auto Spanking
As you might have noticed your favorite Humble Narrator has been quite last week. You might indeed wonder what hath befallen me. Perhaps another storm has knocked out my power for a week as it seems...
View ArticleGovernment Shutdown Spanking
Due to the government shutdown all funding for The Spanking Spot has been cut off Dear Reader. Unfortunately that means that the spanking spot will be closed until the Republican’s regain use of their...
View ArticleWomen’s Sports Spanking
One of the things that annoys Your Humble Narrator to no end is when mass media insist that we should care about something that we really don’t only because it is politically correct or simply whatever...
View ArticleCapitulation Spanking
Well Dear Reader after more than two weeks of a government shutdown, bringing us within 24 hours of destroying the credit of the United States and generally annoying us with the stamping of feet and...
View ArticleIndian Spanking
You know Dear Reader, sometimes I mourn our youngest generation. I mention this because I came across two articles today that just proves the sissification of our youth. The first was brought to my...
View ArticleSpooky Spankings
I know this is a little strange for a spanko Dear Reader, but I absolutely detest Halloween. Sure I like all the scary movies that run this time of year and I would insane to dislike the only time of...
View ArticleA Spanking from Yesteryear From Pandora Blake
You might have missed me due to my silence last week Dear Reader, I more than apologize. But I am sure you are asking yourself what affront kept me from our shared passion. Well, once again Your...
View ArticleHappy Belated Spanksgiving
Yes Dear Reader the news of my demise has been greatly exaggerated. You might have noticed the site had been kicked of the intertubes for a week and a half. I know you must be wondering. Had the...
View ArticleMore Spanking Problems
Sometimes Dear Reader I think that the Intertubes hate The Spanking Spot. First I got hacked, Then I got TSS pulled off the intertubes by my idiot host. Then I got hacked again, Finally I received...
View ArticleClare is Back and Isobel Wren gets her Perfect Ass Spanked
Welcome Dear Reader from the white and snowy tundra of the far north. Now Your Humble Narrator does not remember locating his home to Canada but the evidence of the piles of white stuff that surround...
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