NSA Spanking
So this week it has come apparent to those of us naive enough that our government is tracking our every move that we are indeed wrong and that the NSA appears to be watching you masturbate. You see...
View ArticleEye Ball Licking Is NOT Spanking
We all know Dear Reader that our friends from the land of the Rising Sun are a little weird. After all I guess being obsessed with large reptiles destroying your capital 18 times and having to deal...
View ArticleSpanking and Sickness
So as I have written about in the past Dear Reader. I have this enormous cell phone. I believe it is called a “phlablet” to suggest it is somewhere between a cellphone and well… a tablet! Generally...
View ArticleFour Eyed Spanking
So a group called Exodus International shut down this week with an apology to the gay community stating that its main focus “Conversion Therapy” was perhaps not quite the right ideal since as everyone...
View ArticleCDD Spanking
Every so often an bored reporter obviously looking on the internet to find something that will outrage people and comes across Christian Domestic Discipline. Suddenly the my news feed on the subject...
View ArticlePaula Deen Spanking
Your Humble Narrator is not particularly fond of Paula Deen. Not for anything personal mind you but being from my beloved city we tend to dislike anyone with a southern accent and simply assume that...
View ArticlePETA Spanking
You know Dear Reader if there is one thing that enrages me more than Republican’s it is animal rights activists. Now don’t get me wrong Dear Reader, I have loved and cherished each and every pet I...
View ArticleBlogger.com warning
You know Dear reader I honestly think hell just froze over. Now you might be asking yourself, “Brushstrokes what in the HELL are you talking about” which if you have read this column for any length of...
View ArticleSpanking on the 4th of July
Tomorrow Dear Reader is the most American of holidays. This is of course July 4th where we celebrate kicking our friends out of our country and back across the pond so they can talk funny and drink...
View ArticleLong Weekend of Spanking
So we begin another week Dear Reader. For us in the states we are coming off a long weekend and of course 4th of July where no matter how many times its explained to us that playing with explosives...
View ArticleSexy Lexi Lee and Emily Parker Get their First Spankings.
Not realizing we fought a war a couple of hundred years ago for the right not to give a shit, the American tabloids are all aflutter on the news that the Duchess of Cambridge is going to squeeze out a...
View ArticlePreferred Gender Pronoun Spanking
For any of you that have read my column for any length of time you will already know I am an enthusiastic supporter of gay rights. First because I could care less what two consulting adults do when it...
View ArticleLow Pain Threshold and Spanking
The FDA this week has reduced the allowable Arsenic levels in apple juice begging the question why the fuck is there arsenic in our apple juice in the first place. This Dear Reader is akin to...
View ArticleTo Hot For Spanking
No Dear Reader, I am not talking about anyone particular. It is literally to hot for spanking. Being that we are in the beginnings of a heat wave in the northeast, they are saying that temperatures...
View ArticleSpanking will Make You Fat
Well Dear Reader the Zimmerman trial is over and my fellow liberal commie bastards are absolutely stunned by the fact that people are not found guilty because you want them to be! Who would have...
View ArticleScam Spanking
The phone rang on Monday afternoon which the phone happily told me it was a “Private Caller” who so desperately wanted to talk with me. Now typically Dear Reader I do not bother myself with such...
View ArticleDavid Cameron Doesn’t Like The Spanking Spot and A Brushstrokes/Dallas Faceoff
Dear Reader, can we all simply agree to all call our respective politicians and explain to them that considering the world is rife with war, famine and all sorts of nastiness that banning porn really...
View ArticleBo and Ten Spanking
Ok so its been an hour and trying to wrack my brain for some brilliant rant to come about. But it is indeed not happening Dear Reader. I could bitch about the Royal Crotch-fruit, or learning the...
View ArticleSnow Mercy gets Manspanked
So for all of you not living in the great old U.S. of A and not having your government spy on you while you masturbate to spanking porn. There have been a number of one day strikes among fast food...
View ArticleEmployee Survey Spanking
I’m not quite sure why corporations have employee surveys. A little known fact Dear Reader is that to get to the farthest reaches of a corporation you have to be at least a little psychopathic which...
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