A Bubble Butt Spanking and Tax Advice from a Spanking Blogger.
It is of course tax season here in the states. This is of course the time when non rich people pluck down 40 bucks for something like turbo tax in a desperate yet futile attempt to get back as much...
View ArticleA Bare Bottom Birthday Spanking for Chelsea Pfeiffer
In a news story I simply could never make up our favorite conservative crazies at the family research council marked the 41st anniversary of Eisenstadt v. Baird with a rant. Now you would be forgiven...
View ArticleA Future Spanking for Emma Watson
For those who do not understand internet culture. A good amount of mischief comes from the very loosely related hacker group Anonymous. Its more of a collective than a group for such a term suggests...
View ArticleHipsters of Spanking
It dawned upon me the other day that ironically we are all the hipsters of the spanking world. I say ironically because Dear Reader I do indeed love to heap scorn our hapless hipsters. But I have...
View ArticleMadison Martin gets a OTK Spanking and Ten Amorette in Pigtails
Our banking guilded class already bolstered by the fact Attorney General has basically told them they cannot be prosecuted for misdeeds because as he explained in rather complicated terms amounted to...
View ArticleAlien Spanking
In my zeal to get my column done last week it seems that I missed something rather strange. Thankfully a very astute Dear Reader pointed it out to me. Someone at Firm Hand Spanking either has really...
View ArticleA First Spanking for Darcy Grey and a Hard Hairbrush for Gianna
So Gay Marriage is all the buzz here in the states this week. This of course is because two cases were argued in our supreme court because we have nothing better to do than to spend ridiculous amount...
View ArticleKosher Spanking
Tonight Dear Reader, for our Jewish friends is the Jewish holiday of Passover. This of course is when the Egyptians and the Jews were arguing over who’s sky wizard is better than the other and of...
View ArticleGood Friday Spanking
Today Dear Reader of course is one of the most holy days of the year for Christians, Good Friday. On this day Christ was nailed upon a cross and crucified for suggesting everyone should be excellent...
View ArticleSpanking News Flash Teen Brandi is back and Stolen Selena Gomez Video
This is indeed a exciting week for Spanking. I noticed a curious comment Dear Reader one of my posts a couple of days ago claiming that the lovely Teen Brandi is back! Now at once I thought it a...
View ArticleAllison Miller Paddled on Tight Jeans and David Pierson has a Pink Garage
Pat Robertson thinks that the reason why there are no miracles in the United states anymore is that people are just too educated. Sometimes Dear Reader our Christian Crazies just do it to themselves....
View ArticleCinderella and Spanking
One of the things I have never really shared on this blog is the fact that your Humble Narrator has always been an RC Aircraft enthusiast. Now I have never been particularly good at it but the cost...
View ArticleKim Jong Un Spanking
I have a personal and rather practical code of ethics when it comes to animals I choose to eat or of course keep as pets. My first rule is that if you adopt a pet, it is yours for life with the...
View ArticleFast Food Spanking
Being that I am a liberal Commie pinko Spanko, typically when I see stories about poor down trodden workers wanting to recieve a living wage from the “man” I can indeed sympathize. I emphasize the...
View ArticleSpanking and Blowjobs
You know Dear Reader, Despite being a liberal pinko commie, I never quite liked the whole idea of hate crimes. If someone say punched me in the face because I am white, I still remain punched in the...
View ArticleMargaret Thatcher Spanking
Our friends across the pond are in the news again Dear Reader. It seems that the country is quite divided about the death of someone who hasn’t held political office in 20 years. I speak of the Iron...
View ArticleBoston Spanking
I would like to wish all of my Dear Readers from the Boston area well wishes and hope that they and their loved ones are safe from this dastardly attack. Particularly my friend Dave at Cherry Red...
View ArticleDiversity Spanking
You know Dear Reader, the fact that my resemblance is not unlike a troll I know something about being ugly. Now there is nothing wrong with winning the opposite of the genetic lottery, It has to...
View ArticleCopyright Spanking
So Dear Reader, I am not sure if this is indicative of our youth, or our times. You see, I have been getting an increasing number of requests from former spanking models that I take the time and...
View ArticleUpdate on Not So Teen Brandi
Many a Dear Reader have been asking me if my report of Teen Brandi’s return was some sort of sick April Fools Joke. Now would I do that to you? Sending you to view a bad 80’s song in lieu of some...
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